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Universal Cantilevers (brackets) Worksurface Supports

9" cantilevers
9" long cantilever, stamped 14-guage steel, works on all systems with 1" or 1.5" centered hanger frame. Can be used to hang wood shelves or work surfaces that do not exceed 12" - 15" in depth.
Size Fits Price Qty
9" 12"/15" $47.95 /pr
18" steel cantilever
18" deep support arm steel universal cantilever support arm for use with many different OEM systems manufacturers, including Steelcase (9000, Avenir & Elective Elements), Herman Miller, Haworth, Knoll, Trendway, HON and many more.
Size Price Qty
18" $39.95 /pr
angled cantilever
Angled Cantilever Support Arm for use with many different OEM systems manufacturers, including Herman Miller and many more. 19” cantilevers are used to support 24” deep worksurfaces.
Size Price Qty
19" $40.50/pr
19" $21.95(left)
19" $21.95(right)
straight cantilever
Straight Cantilever Support Arm for use with many different OEM systems manufacturers, including Steelcase, Haworth and many more.
Size Price Qty
19" $40.50/pr
19" $21.95(left)
19" $21.95(right)
shared cantilever
Shared Steel Universal Cantilever Support Arm for use with many different OEM systems manufacturers, including Herman Miller and many more
Size Price Qty
19" $17.71 ea
Haworth Cantilevers

Pre-owned/Used Needs Work Station Retainer (sold separetely)
Qty :
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Work Station Retainer 19-Gauge steel retainer strip used to secure work surfaces to the support arm.
Price Qty
Steelcase Colors
Grey 1 Grey 2 Tan 1
WW WB 1 WB 2
Herman Miller Colors
Haworth Colors